90012 Zip Code

The 90012 zip code is located in Los Angeles, California, United States. It covers parts of the downtown area including Chinatown and portions of Little Tokyo and is home to a variety of businesses due to its diverse and vibrant urban environment. Some of the types of businesses you might find in this area include:

  1. Restaurants and cafes offering diverse cuisines, including Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, and American.
  2. Retail shops and boutiques selling clothing, accessories, and gifts.
  3. Art galleries showcasing local and international artists’ work.
  4. Specialty stores offering unique products such as art supplies, books, and artisanal goods.
  5. Cultural institutions such as museums, theaters, and performance venues.
  6. Professional services such as law firms, accounting offices, and architectural firms.
  7. Tech startups and coworking spaces fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.
  8. Hotels and accommodations catering to tourists and business travelers.

These are just a few examples of the businesses you might find in the 90012 zip code, reflecting the diverse and dynamic nature of the area.